Nothing on earth has greater potential to change lives and carry out God's kingdom work in your community than our local parishes. There's nothing like the local church when we're working right.
The beauty is indescribable. The power is breathtaking. The potential is unlimited. No other organization on earth is like the church. Nothing even comes close. Below you will find a variety of ways that you can help make the world a better place by volunteering time, talent, and treasure.
Liturgical Ministers
Altar Servers
It is a great privilege to assist the priest at Holy Mass or other liturgies. Boys and girls who serve at the altar begin their training during fifth grade.
Men and women who boldly proclaim the Word of God to the parish community.
Extraordinary Ministers
These parishioners distribute Holy Communion at Masses and some also carry the Eucharist to the homebound.
Ushers help our celebrations flow as they greet and assist people. They also help with Sunday collections and the passing out of bulletins
Heavenly Dusters
These volunteers care for the albs and vestments, Mass set-ups and purificators, and the candles.
Money Counters
Money Counters are groups of individuals trusted with duty of counting and recording the Sunday collection.
We are looking to create teams of 3 or more adults to lead each of our children and teen programs.
Social Justice Ministries
Saint Vincent Depaul Society Volunteer